Healthy Weight Loss Diets
Healthy Weight Loss Diets
Healthy Weight Loss Diets
Dieting is the process of eating specific foods in order to maintain or lose weight. Reasons for losing weight vary according to the individual. A person may wish to lose weight for health reasons, for athletic and sporting purposes or for cosmetic reasons. Whatever the impetus, it is important to focus on healthy methods of weight loss. While some diet plans promise individuals rapid weight loss, such drastic plans can harm your overall health. Discover specific strategies for losing weight that may help you lose weight in a healthy and sustainable manner.
Fastest Way to Reduce Weight
Fastest Way to Reduce Weight
Fastest Way to Reduce Weight
Medical professionals recommend losing 1 to 2 lbs. per week for healthy, gradual, lasting weight loss. For faster weight loss where you still maintain your health, you can make additional adjustments to your diet and exercise regimens. Avoid drastic calorie cutting, which is characteristic of crash and starvation diets, because this behavior can backfire and result in uncontrollable cravings, binges and yo-yo dieting.-
- 1 Get at least 1 hour of cardiovascular exercise, 5 days of the week. Perform exercise at moderate intensity, so that your heart rate increases, you break a sweat but you are still able to hold a conversation. Incorporate speed-walking, water aerobics or bicycling. As you get stronger, increase the intensity. Exercise vigorously for 30 minutes, 5 days per week. Your heart rate and breathing increase, and you can only speak a few words. Go running, swimming or ride a bike uphill.
- 2 Add intervals to your cardiovascular routine. According to the Mayo Clinic, adding high intensity intervals to your cardiovascular exercise increases the amount of calories you burn. Ride a bike or jog at moderate intensity for 2 minutes. Speed up as fast as you can for 1 to 2 minutes. Switch from moderate to high intensity over the duration of your workout.
- 3 Perform strength training exercises on 2 days of the week. During strength training, you burn calories and afterward, when resting, your body still burns calories because, to maintain muscle tissue, your body has to work harder than when it maintains fat. Perform strength training exercises that use your body weight. Include lunges, pushups and squats and incorporate exercises with free weights and weightlifting machines.
- 4 Consume fewer calories on a daily basis. Multiply your current weight in pounds by 7 to find out the calories you can consume daily to lose weight while still maintaining your health. WebMD recommends you do not go under 1,200 calories a day without medical supervision.
- 5 Minimize your starch intake. Consume complex carbohydrates, such as oatmeal, whole-wheat pasta and brown rice, if you must have starches. Eat starches early in the day and reduce or avoid them as the day goes on. Fill up on vegetables, fruits, lean meats, nonfat dairy products and water.
- 6 Keep a food and exercise journal to help you stay focused. Record your daily food intake and your daily exercise routine. If your weight loss stops, consult your journal to see what is causing this and where you can make adjustments.
- 7 Get 8 hours of sleep at night, because a lack of sleep keeps your metabolism from functioning properly during your waking hours. You are also less stress resistant during the day when you are sleep deprived. You may give into cravings quicker and sabotage your diet.
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How to Add Photos to Facebook Photo Album
How to Add Photos to Facebook Photo Album
How to Add Photos to Facebook Photo Album
You've just created a Facebook photo album and it looks great, but you forgot to add that hysterical photo of cousin Cindy drinking from a coconut. Don't worry -- adding photos to an existing online photo album is even easier than creating the original album. Follow the simple steps below to learn how to add photos to Facebook album.
How to Add Photos to Facebook Photo Album
You've just created a Facebook photo album and it looks great, but you forgot to add that hysterical photo of cousin Cindy drinking from a coconut. Don't worry -- adding photos to an existing online photo album is even easier than creating the original album. Follow the simple steps below to learn how to add photos to Facebook album.
Share Photos on Facebook
- 1Since many people's friends are on Facebook, it has become a one of the most used photo share websites. Sharing photos is quick and the online photo albums are easy for people to see.First thing's first, find the photos you want to add to your Facebook album. Put them into a new folder, on your desktop or somewhere you can easily find them.
- 2Open your Internet browser and log into your Facebook account.
- 3Visit the Facebook "Profile" by clicking on the word "Profile" on the top right of the page.
- 4Click on the "Photos" on Facebook Profile page from the tabs which appears below your profile name.
- 5Select the album in which you want to add photos. Click on the album and a page will load where you will see all of the existing photos in the album, which you can edit if would like. To add photos, click on the "Add More Photos" tab on the top left of the page.
- 6In order to add photos to a Facebook album, you need to click on the drive that appears when the Java upload box appears with a display of all your folders on the left side of the box. Click on your drive and then the folder that contains the photos you want to upload. Once you click on the folder all the photos of the folder will appear on a screen with a selection box on the top left corner of each photo.
- 7Select the photos you want to upload. If you want to select all photos in the folder click on "Select All" button that is available on the top of the photo uploading box.
- 8Click on "Upload" button. Once you click on "Upload," a small pop-up box will appear showing the upload in progress. Once the upload is complete another pop-up box will appear with a message conveying successful uploading of images.
- 9Click on "OK" and another page will load where you can apply captions and tag your friends. with this step you have successfully uploaded your photo to an existing album.
- 10Click on the link below that states "Try The Simple Uploader" if you come across any difficulty in this process. Clicking on the link will take you to a page where you will get several "Choose File" buttons. Click on a button to upload the photo you want to upload. Select the photos from the folder and click on "Open". Select as many photos as you want and click on the Upload button below. Provide captions if you'd like and tag your friends. Now you know how to add photos to Facebook album!
How to Maintain Weight Loss
How to Maintain Weight Loss
How to Maintain Weight Loss
Many people have difficulty losing weight. It could be because of a slow metabolism because of poor eating habits and a lack of an exercise regiment. It is possible to remain strong and healthy as we age; but there are certain adjustments we will have to make, if we are to do so. Maintaining a healthy weight is the key to avoiding age related disease such, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.
Fruits and vegetables: To maintain weight loss, eating six to eight servings of fresh fruit and vegetables, a day. Eat food high in fiber, like, whole grains, nuts and beans to ward off hunger.
Fruits and vegetables: To maintain weight loss, eating six to eight servings of fresh fruit and vegetables, a day. Eat food high in fiber, like, whole grains, nuts and beans to ward off hunger.
Water: Drink plenty of water, helps with digestion, increases energy and rid the body of toxins and keeps the body properly hydrated.
Vitamins: Take multi-vitamin/mineral supplement. A supplement will help assure that you get everything you need to maintain your weight and be healthy.
Eat more: Eat at least six times a day to keep the metabolism charged and helps you to burn more fat. Eat five or six small meals, which would include healthy snacks in between meals to maintain weight loss.
Junk food: Cutting unhealthy foods such as chips, cookies, fast foods, refined sugars and carbonated drinks, will help you to keep off those extra pounds.
Exercise: Regular exercise is essential to burn calories and maintain a healthy weight. Strength training is excellent for maintaining bone density and core strength.
How to Attract Women
How to Attract Women
The secret to attracting women is to be attractive yourself. This doesn't mean you have to look like a model. Women are often initially attracted to great-looking people, but what they really want--what everyone really wants--is someone who is great to be with. Follow these steps to learn how to be a person who is great instead of merely great-looking.
- 1 Get in shape. You don't have to have a perfect body, but lose the extra pounds and lift a few weights. You want to look like a person who cares about his health, spends a little time outdoors and isn't afraid to sweat.
- 2 Pay attention to grooming--but not too much. A good haircut is attractive but one that needs a lot of product is not. The fragrance of your bath soap is more appealing than expensive cologne. Clean fingernails that aren't bitten down to the quick are just as attractive as those that have been filed and buffed. A clean T-shirt is better than stained and threadbare designer clothing.
- 3 Watch your table manners. Nothing is less attractive to a woman trying to enjoy a meal than having to watch her date talk with a mouth full of food and then use a beverage to wash it down. Learn how to hold a fork and where to put your napkin.
- 4 Look at your environment. You don't have to drive an expensive car, but you do need one in good condition and clean inside and out. The same advice applies to your home.
- 5 Acquire some interests. If you can only talk about work or television, you will soon become a bore. Take up a sport, get a hobby, volunteer in the community and read a book. Learn where the museums and parks are. Movie theaters and dance clubs aren't the only places to spend a weekend.
- 6 Be selective about companions. As unfair as it may be, you will be judged by the people you are with. If you are part of a group that is harassing the waitress, shouting profanities, picking fights or just getting falling-down drunk, you don't stand much chance of attracting a woman.
- 7 Be a good conversationalist. This means shut up and listen (good advice, by the way, when talking to anyone). If you show you're interested in more than the size of a woman's breasts, she will reciprocate by being interested in more than the size of your paycheck.
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How to Have an Attractive Personality
How to Have an Attractive Personality
Being attractive does not start with outer beauty as many people think. Approachable people often garner attention because of their attitude and demeanor, not their clothing or good looks. With an attractive personality, one can get positive attention from people regardless of their physical attractiveness.-
- 1 Exude confidence. By projecting a confident and self-assured attitude, you tells others that they deserve respectful treatment.
- 2 Walk with a sense of purpose and head held high. When one has a destination or goal always in mind, they show the world that they are motivated and have clear direction.
- 3 Maintain a positive attitude even through adversity. Choosing to have a positive attitude despite what troubles occur can be magnetic to others who may have more difficulty seeing the brighter side of things.
- 4 Smile easily. It is easier to approach someone and feel comfortable with them if they appear to be happy; negative attitudes turn people away.
- 5 Live up to your word. Sincerity leads to mutual trust, and when one is trusted, he often is recipient of many positive relationships.
- 6 Maintain consistency in your attitude and behavior. Consistency is a sign of character and character leads to respect and attention.
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How to Be Attractive & Beautiful
How to Be Attractive & Beautiful
Though beauty and attractiveness are inherently subjective, as a society we tend to associate the concepts with good health, symmetry and youth. However, this does not mean you need to be young or have the perfect body to be beautiful. It simply suggests that having a youthful, healthy energy creates a more attractive appearance. Furthermore, since "beauty is in the eye of the beholder," the most important step toward becoming beautiful and attractive is to believe it yourself. Once you feel beautiful, your confidence will appear in your mannerisms and exude to your outer appearance.-
- 1 Engage in activities that boost your physical and emotional health. According to "O" magazine, people are more attracted to smiling faces, so doing what it takes to be happy is an important aspect of being beautiful. Exercise regularly, as it will keep you fit and fuel you with feel-good endorphins. Build up your confidence by taking part in activities you excel in. For example, if you enjoy writing, start a daily blog or work on your own novel. Volunteer as a way of giving back to the community. Sometimes being too caught up in your own issues can distract you from the more important parts of life and volunteering will help you put your own insecurities into perspective.
- 2 Maintain a nutritious, well-balanced diet. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains to ensure that your body gets all of the vitamins, minerals and oils it needs. Drink water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated. A healthy diet will reflect in your physique and complexion.
- 3 Set aside a weekly me-time where you can indulge in yourself for at least an hour. Take a hot bubble bath, go sit in a cafe and read a book or cuddle up with your favorite TV show. According to "The Daily Mail," stress can have a negative impact on your complexion and it is important to take time to relax. Use this time to reflect on everything you are grateful for and learn to enjoy your own company.
- 4 Use clothing and cosmetics to emphasize your best features and to reflect your unique style. For example, if your lips are one of your favorite features, try a bright red lipstick to give them a bit of a boost. Choose clothing that represents your personality. For example, if you are very studious and organized, try a clean-cut, preppy look. Or, if you are earthy and carefree, choose a more Bohemian look with mismatched, flowy attire. Use clothing and cosmetics as a reflection of your personality, not as a way of fitting in or defining who you are.
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